Organizing events

Would you like to rent out your living rooms for weddings or receptions?

Organizing weddings or large-scale receptions in your home is not something you can improvise. To ensure the success of your project, you need to consider all aspects of the event, and not neglect the regulations applicable to establishments open to the public (ERP).

Access, vehicle parking, checkrooms, kitchens, technical rooms, deliveries, sanitary facilities, noise pollution, fire safety, accessibility… all these elements need to be considered and the capacity of the hall correctly estimated. In addition, safety standards will apply according to the surface area of the premises and the declared capacity. In most cases, significant work will be required to obtain a favorable opinion from the safety commission.

Many owners do not limit themselves to renting out the hall, and offer their services to organize the event in all its various forms: rental of specific equipment, recruitment and management of personnel, entertainment, purchase of beverages, catering… This is the creation of a fully-fledged event management company. Consideration of the company’s legal and tax status is essential.

Organizing weddings and receptions can generate significant revenues. However, before embarking on this project, it is important to correctly estimate the cost of the work required.

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